This is more or less the exam of the group POCZ, isn't very complicated and we hope you pass :
1) Put the names on the images correctly.( In the examination )2) Descibre what is the fashion.(more two lines).
3) Describe what you wear right now (more than two lines).
5) Guess these riddles about clothes:
- Two good legs we have, but we can't walk alone, and the man without us, can't be presented nowhere.
- I have heart but I am not person, I have also gown without being a woman and elegant man takes me forward. (gown- bata).
- I have arms without being a person, and neck without being animal, surely you take me, and I touch you without hurting you.
- Our owner puts us one on each side, always attentive and always hung.(hung - colgados).
6) Resolve the alphabet soup.(In the examination)
Do all this and you will pass with 10 :P Lucky!
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